Day 21 of 21 days of prayer | the final day & a reflection story

 21 days of prayer | praying over the new year & traveling through loss

Day 21 of 21 Days of Prayer

| 2 January 2024

It’s the final day friend! 
I can’t believe it’s really here! 

For 21 days straight I’ve been here, praying and writing up little journal entry posts. Through good times and bad times. Through joy and loss. In grieving and healing. 21 days have gone by. At the same moment, that first day seems forever ago. That girl different from the one now writing about day 21. 

Leaving Childhood into Adulthood 

Day 1 was full of hope and joy and expectancy—maybe even a juvenile sort of feeling. Day 1 was still on that edge between childhood and adulthood. Too old to be a child and too young to be an adult. A middle place. 

Day 21 is tinged with loss, pain, heartache and a burn to do. She wants to make her Grandpa proud. She wants to write. More than write. She wants to p u b l i s h just like her Grandpa believed she could do. She wants to begin. She doesn’t want to be held back from fear anymore. She doesn’t want to keep pushing things aside. She wants to begin. To run her race. To make her family proud. To follow God where He leads her, trusting in Him fully. No time has aged her so much as now. She feels older. Now an adult. Turning eighteen did not make her an adult. Graduating did not make her so. Her Grandpa’s death made her age. Childhood really is gone. It has left her. It left with Grandpa. Now she is ready to begin her adult life. She is nervous, a bit anxious, and she worries but she knows it’s right. She will trust in God. Never before has He ever steered her wrong. She will follow and trust Him. It’s time. 

Tomorrow I’ll be starting a brand new prayer challenge. I’ve loved doing this challenge so much. I don’t want it to end. So I’m going to continue with a brand new challenge called “A January of Prayer”! I’ll see you tomorrow with the first day and more details! 

Of Prayers

Todays prayers were for this new year. For direction. I feel like I know now without a doubt what I’m supposed to do and what is next for my life. Now I’m just waiting on God and searching for peace. I’ve begun on the path. I’ve started. Now, I’m just waiting on God. I have two directions to follow…two paths clouded in temporary fog. Now, I’m waiting for His go ahead. For the lighthouse to shine a light through the fog to lead me to the right place. I can’t wait to continue (also a bit nervous and only slightly terrified XD). 

Of Verses

  • Psalm 66
  • Psalm 67
  • John 15 

Previous days: 

God bless us, every one 

If you think to pray for me and my family I will be forever grateful! If you have a prayer request or need please comment and let me know! 
Goodnight! <3 



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