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Changing Plans & giving grace

  Changing Plans & giving grace  A Behold Peace Bible Challenge | Update | April 2024  So here comes the day. A day to decide what to do. This is really humbling. It hurts my pride. I want to do the right thing. I want to do what God wants me to do and do what He tells me to. I want to be obedient to God and His word and what He says.  I know I bit off more than I could chew. I need to take my family’s advice and give myself grace. Grace to slow down. Grace to stop. I love reading more of God’s word! But this much of reading is too much at the moment for my eyes and body to handle.  This is really hard for me to do. I know it’s right for me to scale back. I’d still love to read 10-20+ chapters a day but not make it a rule. When I make it a rule for myself then I get so frustrated and stressed and anxious when I don’t hit it (all those emotions are not of the Lord and are none that I want to invite into my life).  When I read the Bible and spend time with God I expect in me to see t

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