Day One of 21 Days of Prayer

21 days of prayer | praying in a new year 

Day One of 21 Days of Prayer 

| 13 December 2023 

Today, I am praying for these next 21 days of prayer. I’m praying that God will speak to me and lead me and place specifics for next year (and my life) on my heart. Specifics to pray about and specifics to know (I like specifics, lol). I’m praying He will be near to me and speak to and through me. 

I want my life to be a testament and light for Him. I want my life to be His. I want my life to be so full of Him that people can see me and know I belong to God and that I can be a light for Him. I want that in my personal life but also in my writing and podcasting. I want to be a light for Him, lead by Him. 

This is my prayer for my life but also for today. 

Faith Strengthens: 

Wake up 8:50 am and start Bible & Prayer time 

  • Get with God first thing in the morning before ANYTHING else
  • Read my Bible | Isaiah 53 
  • Prayed & Prayer Journaled  

Goals with this challenge: 

  • Know God more 
  • Get stronger/encouraged in my faith
  • Get clarity 
  • Put God FIRST 

Previous days: 

God bless us, every one!

I’ll see you tomorrow friend! 

If you have a prayer request, please comment down below or message me through my email (in my newsletter)! I hope you are having a wonderful day (and as I’m writing this, night)! 

Sending all my love!



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