Cover Reveal: KEY by Madisyn Carlin

 Cover Reveal 

| KEY by Madisyn Carlin |

Hello, Sweet Friend! 

I am SO excited and honored to share the cover of my dear blogger friend Madisyn’s upcoming book: KEY (The Redwyn Chronicles | book 1.5)!!! 

Eek!!! I’m so excited!!! This is the cover reveal of Madisyn Carlin’s next fantasy fairytale retellings in the The Redwyn Chronicles! KEY is a clean (“There is no profanity whatsoever; the author's great-grandma could read this book without squirming.”) Christian non-magical fantasy retelling of Rapunzel (with hints of The Little Mermaid sprinkled in there if I’m not mistaken (HURRAY))!!! It will be released on March 28th (exactly one month from now)!!! 

Earlier this month I got to read CROWN by Madisyn and it was so AMAZING! Definitely my favorite read of February! I loved all the faith content in Madisyn’s writing and the cute banter! She is fastly becoming one of my favorite authors and I want to read every book in this wonderful series! I’m so looking forward to reading KEY (and I may have just bought IRON so I can read in order XD)! 

Eek! Oh my goodness friends! Can you tell I’m excited! XD 

About Madisyn Carlin…

Madisyn Carlin is a Christian, homeschool graduate, blogger, voracious bookdragon, and author. When not spending time with her family or trekking through the mountains, she weaves tales of redemption, faith, and action.

Want to connect with Madisyn?
















Here is a quick quote while we wait for the cover to make its grand entrance!

















And another! 
















Drumroll please…




























Isn’t it wonderful?!?

The Blurb: 

When Nerissa Wessen finds an unconscious man near her village, she knows one thing: trouble is on its way. What she doesn’t anticipate is the stranger’s charming smile—or the reason why he’s in her land in the first place.

Detective Denton Yindell wants only to put his past behind him and make good on a failed promise. When unforeseen circumstances place him on the doorstep of the very people who can help, Denton must convince the distrustful villagers to assist him.

But good intentions can bring about disastrous consequences, and when Denton’s past hunts him down, Nerissa’s family and village are threatened. Can two hearts—one wary and one wounded—learn to trust before evil eradicates those who oppose it?

KEY is a Christian Fantasy Fairytale Retelling

The Pinterest board: 

Okay, if you know me, you know how much I love making Pinterest and aesthetic boards! I was SO excited to see that Madisyn made a Pinterest board for KEY! So here is the Pinterest board: 

Madisyn’s Pinterest board for KEY: 

I also made a Pinterest board for CROWN if you’d like to see that too (I might be a little obsessed with pretty Pinterest boards XD)! 

All the links for KEY… 


Discussion Time

I hope you liked this cover reveal!!! Thank you so much for reading this post! <3 

I want to hear from you! Meet me in the comments and tell me if you are excited for this book? What was the last indie book, fairytale retelling, or Christian fiction you read? What is one of YOUR favorite fairytale retellings? Have you gone to BEHOLD PEACE? I would love to chat! 

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below! Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. ALSO, If you want to hear more about my writing and what I’m reading, make sure you are subscribed because I am doing special updates for BLOG SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! 

XOXO Moriyah 🤎


  1. Love the cover reveal! It's so pretty, yet so simple & elegant!😍✨️
    Definitely on my tbr list now!!
    Thanks for sharing Riyah!! <3

    1. Aww! Thank you so much Madi! Yes!!! I completely agree! 😍✨ Eek!!! I’m glad it’s on your tbr!
      You’re welcome Madi!!! <3
      (Also our power & internet shut off last night. We just now got our internet back but I’m not sure how long it will last 🤔 Anyways, just wanted to update you in case it shuts off again) 💛

    2. Madisen Lynne LundquistMarch 1, 2023 at 8:32 PM

      You're so welcome!!💛
      Uh oh. Well I'm glad you got your power back (at least of now🙏🏻)!

    3. Yes!!! I’m glad too! We are about to turn the generator off so I’m off. Also I just wrote a quick update on Behold Peace about the power outage and just updating people in case I’m not able to post Monday!

    4. Madisen Lynne LundquistMarch 2, 2023 at 8:54 PM

      Thanks for the update!! <3

  2. Ooh, thanks for sharing about this book, Riyah! I haven't read any of this author's books before, but now I'm really excited to! I've been meaning to read more indie books!

    1. You’re welcome!!! Ooo! Yay! I hope you like them if you read them! I really love the faith content in these books! I think you’ll really like it! 💛
      Me too! There are so many good indie books I need to read!

  3. Thank you so much for your help in spreading the word about "KEY"! And I love the graphics you made!

    1. Ahh!! You are so welcome! Thank YOU for letting me be apart of this cover reveal! I’m so excited for this book’s release!
      Yay!! I’m so glad you liked the graphics! <3


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