Adrenal Cocktail Recipe & A Health Update

 Adrenal Cocktail Recipe & A Health Update  

things that are working to help heal my adrenal fatigue 

Hi there! 

I thought it was about time to update you all about what’s going on with my health. If you’ve been around here for the past few months then you know I’ve been focusing on my health as I’ve been struggling with health issues, namely adrenal fatigue. 

In the post where I first talked about adrenal fatigue at the start of September, I shared the things I was going to try to help heal my adrenals. You can see the full list of things here if you are interested! 

Now two months in, I want to share what has actually helped me. 

Quick background, I have adrenal fatigue. For years I’ve been battling exhaustion over the smallest of things, never having energy, always moments from crashing, forever burnout, hair loss, easily bruised over nothing, brain fog, trouble being able to sleep as well as weight loss issues. Basically all the problems you get with adrenal fatigue, I have. Even when I’ve had blood tests it shows that I am completely normal with no problems but I know that’s not right. Something with adrenal fatigue is that your body will test as normal and okay when it’s not even with blood tests. 

This isn’t normal. I’m nineteen. Nineteen year olds shouldn’t be falling asleep at 1 pm and can barely make it through the day. Or at least I don’t think they should (and by they I mean me, lol). 

The beginning of September, God really did lead us (me and my mom) and give us wisdom in finding out I have adrenal fatigue. From that I’ve been able to pray more specifically for my adrenal fatigue and focus on what can help. 

This leads me to being two months into this process and my body is getting better! I’m actually healing! I have energy for the whole day for the first time since I was like ten years old (I’m not kidding. It’s really been this long). I feel better, happier and energized. I’m able to do more things without crashing into a sad heap of burnout. I’m doing more than I have in months and I am able to do it. My family has even noticed the difference in me. I would be yawning tired by 1 pm everyday and now it can be 9 or 10 pm and I haven’t crashed. 

What are the things that have helped my adrenal fatigue the most? 

  • 2 workouts a day

One will be more high intensity and the other is walking outside and more chill. This is maybe not for everyone but I’ve found that keeping my body active really helps me stay in a more energized state. Basically the saying (or “law” I suppose) that if an object in motion stays in motion then that can be applied to our bodies. Being active produces energy while being stagnant and still produces tiredness (at least in my experience). 

  • 10,000 steps a day for 6 days a week 

This is something that I’ve noticed has helped build my strength, endurance (even though it's mostly leisurely walking) and has been one of the only things that I notice can help with my weight loss. No matter how consistent I am, how much I work out, how hard I push myself, I just stay stagnant. But with walking I feel like I’m actually starting to notice a difference which is really cool! 

  • Going outside and getting sunshine 

“Sunshine is the least used happy pill.” —unknown 

I saw this quote and it’s totally true! I think there is something to getting outside in God’s creation and just breathing in and being in His masterful work. I don’t think we were made to always be inside and on screens. I think God made a big beautiful world and He created us to be in it and enjoy it! Go outside! Bask in the sun! I believe it really will help you! 

  • Vitamin B

This helps your body grow, helps your red blood cells, helps you produce energy, aids your immune system and so much more! In a way it’s almost like a mood balancer. 

  • Protein 

I’ve been focusing on upping my protein intake. It’s good for your health and ability to grow stronger. I feel better with a more protein rich diet.

  • Water


In my house we respond with, “Did you drink water?” Lol! But seriously, water really does help with everything! Just think about it, the human body is about 50%-70% water. We need to be taking in water for our body to properly function. If we don’t drink water then it ends up creating problems for our body. It’s kinda like a car. For a car to run it needs oil. For our bodies to run we need water. 

  • Being less hard on myself 

Surprisingly a hard one. I’m an enneagram 1 and tend to lean in the direction of being perfectionist, goal driven, all or nothing, always on time, any mistake is total failure (in regards to myself) kind of person. So I can be really hard on myself and hold myself to a high standard that can be hard to hit. It can cause me to stress and feel like I’m always failing. It’s all rules and things I make for myself but I feel like I have to do it. Now I’m trying to be more patient with myself. I’m trying not to crazy push myself with everything. I’m giving myself breaks. Making room to read and relax. Be okay with letting go of deadlines and such. So far it’s really helped. Sure, there are still things I have to do for work and responsibilities I have but on the things I can control that can take time and the world won’t end (my dramatic side kicking in) with those things I’m trying to be more kind to myself. 

  • Going off coffee on weekdays and going completely off espresso 

I love coffee. This was both a sad and easy transition away. I love coffee for the taste and comfort of it but a few years ago I went out for coffee and noticed I slept better and my body seemed to perform better. In researching things for adrenal fatigue one of the recommendations was going off coffee. So I decided to take the plunge and see if I noticed anything different. Boy did it help! I have struggled with sleep issues for years now. Going off of coffee has actually helped me sleep better! That was not something I was expecting to discover on this healing journey but now I’m so thankful and will be staying away from coffee (except for some weekends for fun)! 

What is the number one thing I have noticed helped the most with my adrenal fatigue? 

Adrenal cocktails. Don’t worry there is no alcohol involved in this cocktail. I take this twice a day. Once first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (around 9am). Second at around 1-3pm. You want it to start your morning with and later to help balance you for the rest of the day. 

It can help “fight stress, maintain peak performance, balance hormones, feel more energized, nourish adrenal glands” (quick Google search). 

I recommend starting with one of these adrenal drinks a day and seeing how your body responds to it. After maybe a week or more work your way up to twice a day. 

For me I feel more balanced, energized (but not hyper), happy and I’m able to do more things than before. Before I started taking this, basically from the moment I would wake up till going to sleep at night I would be SO exhausted and weak and drained and like I was always either in burn out or on the verge of burnout. Now with having this drink (I really do feel like God led me and my mom to this answer and is healing my body) I have energy and capacity to do things. 

At first I started with one drink a day and was noticing my mornings I felt better and more able but then around 1-3 pm I would start to crash (feel tired, weak, heavy, etc). So I began to have adrenal drinks twice a day and it’s helped so much!

Now, I’m not a doctor or nurse or health professional or anything of the sort. I'm not saying this will cure you or anything. It may do nothing. I am just wanting to share what’s been working with my body in helping me heal and get better and have energy. I’m just a girl with a blog sharing a testimony. 

What goes into an adrenal cocktail?

  • Orange juice for vitamin C 

  • Sea salt (or himalayan pink salt) for sodium and electrolytes 

  • Cream of tartar for potassium 

Adrenal Cocktail Recipe 

¼ teaspoon sea salt (or Himalayan pink salt) 

¼ teaspoon cream of tartar 

2 ounces (oz) orange juice 

+add water if needed to make palatable 

Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Work your way up to a second in the middle of the day (1-3pm). 

This will supply your body with electrolytes and whole food vitamin C. This will help with hydration, cellular energy as well as nourishes your adrenals. 

You can always add more orange juice but this way it will be a quick shot instead of a long drink. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and seeing a peek at the things I’ve been doing to help heal my body! Maybe you found something to try. I hope this can be helpful to you! 

My BEST piece of advice is to pray. Pray about what you are going through. Pray for answers. Pray for healing. Pray for God to lead you in the right direction! God is so wonderful! He can help you! Trust in Him and be patient. Above all: P R A Y!


