August 1st, 2022 : Getting Baptized

 My Faith 

Hello, lovely friend! 

Today I am sharing about when I got baptized on August 1st, 2022! August is such a special month for me. It signifies some of the milestones in my faith. 

Let me start at the beginning. On August 8th, 2012, I gave my life to Jesus. That day was such an incredible and life-changing day. I will always remember that day and all that happened (I share more about this here).

It hasn’t always been easy. Not even a little bit. I share some of my struggles in this post. Maybe one day soon, I will share more about when life wasn’t easy for me. When I was in a dark place.

The thing you have to know about that time is that God saved me. He really did. He took me out of that place and healed me. He has been healing me for a long time. 

The place where I felt the most healing was in the summer and autumn of 2019 (from the end of May to the end of October) when my family lived in Hawaii. God did A LOT of healing work in my life. Healing that is too long to talk about in this post but is something I do what to share. 

The healing God did for me in Hawaii is actually what inspired the story of A Hawaiian Summer (the book I wrote in June 2022). The journey my main female character goes through is inspired by the healing journey God took me in Hawaii. This is also why the story is set in Hawaii. 

Back to this story. 

Ten years after I gave my life to Jesus I was able to finally get baptized. I've been waiting so long for this moment. For this day. For this encounter. 

More to read:

Getting Baptized 

My family and I went to Tahoe to this perfect bay. It was beautiful and blue and I know that God completely directed our steps to this place. 

You see, every other spot we went to was covered with overgrowing toxic algae. The only place that didn’t have these toxic algae was this beach that we may have missed. God clearly led us to this beach and I am so thankful he did. 

I was able to be baptized with four of my siblings, Scarlett, Ulysses, and Maximus (little Lion was too little). 

My dad is the one who baptized us. 

This has been something I have wanted for so long. To be baptized by my dad. That was always the dream, the wish I had. I wanted it to be him. I feel safe with my dad. I knew going into this moment that the focus should be God. I am committing an act of obedience to God. I’m following his lead. I’m taking the next step in our relationship. This is what I wanted to focus on. Nothing else. 

Being me, I knew that if it was anyone other than my dad, I didn’t think it would feel the same. Being my dad, I trust him fully. I have no fears or doubts about him. I am comfortable with him. I love him. 

Having him baptized me, I could just think about what I was doing and the commitment the baptism signifies.  


Also, my dad reminded me of this verse in Matthew 28:19. 

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

This verse specifically talks about making disciples (building strong close relationships with people) and then baptizing them. 

I think there is something to this. Baptism is about the relationship and commitment you are making with God. But, before making this commitment, you have this trust and relationship with the person who is baptizing you. You care about them and trust them because you have a relationship with them. 

There was this focus on relationships. Having and building relationships with people and those around you and with God. Throughout the Bible, God wants a relationship with us. Jesus died to save us but also to pave the way to a deep personal relationship with God for ALL people. 

This is a side thought but I thought I would share it with you because it was one of the conversations I had with my dad before and after we got baptized. 


I was holding back tears the whole day. Once I was baptized and out of the water, I cried. It was happy tears. Overwhelmed tears. All in a good way. 

After years of waiting for this moment, it was finally here. 

I have died with Jesus (gone under the water) and have risen with him being born new (rising from the water). 

It is an incredible feeling.

With each of my siblings, I cried. Especially when my little brother Uly was baptized. Before he even got under the water, he burst into tears. If you know him, you know he rarely ever cries. The fact that he started crying was HUGE and I couldn’t stop crying with him. 

After we were baptized Uly had a skin reaction. It's like asthma on the skin that appears in red welts all over his body. His hands especially were hurting him and he couldn’t stop moving them and scratching them like crazy. 

My dad took him to a picnic bench and prayed for him. The moment he prayed, Uly stopped itching. The pain went completely away. 

Then my mom prayed for my dad. After praying the tooth that had been hurting him stopped hurting, and his back that was inflamed the whole day stopped hurting. 


Beautiful wonderful miracles. 

God does miracles. 

He heals and he works wonders. 

Remember that. 

There is nothing God can’t do. 

You have to believe it. Truly fully believe it.

Discussion Time

Thank you so much for reading this post! I hope you liked this post and found it encouraging! 

I want to hear from you! Tell me what you liked about this post. Are you a Christian? Have you been baptized? I would love to chat! 

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below or find me on Instagram @fablerosemc!  

Also, check out the My Links tab to see my Pinterest & Instagram! 

Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. 

XOXO Moriyah 💛


  1. Madisen Lynne LundquistAugust 5, 2022 at 12:06 PM

    Oh Riyah😭💛🙌🏻
    This is so very precious!!
    I love that your Dad was able to baptize you!! Thats so special!!

    "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
    Ephesians 4:4‭-‬6

    I love you sooooo much!! And I am so very thankful for you are all that God has and is doing in your life!!🙌🏻😭💛🥳🙌🏻

    1. Thank you Madi!!! 💛😭🙌🏻
      It was so special!!!

      Thank you for sharing that verse! I love it! 💛

      I love you SO much!!! 😍💛
      I am so grateful for you and for all God is doing and has done in your life!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  2. Madisen Lynne LundquistAugust 5, 2022 at 12:07 PM

    Happy Blogger Day!!!!

    1. Thank you!!! 😍
      I had no idea that was a day until you said it! 😂


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