Belief: Who God Says I Am (how to know and have confidence in yourself in a world full of doubt)

  My Faith 

Hello lovely reader! 

In this My Faith post, we are talking about Belief, specifically on WHO GOD SAYS I AM. I think this is a really important topic because it comes down to belief and how we process and interact with the world. 

What we believe not only affects what we see and believe about the world, it also affects what we believe about ourselves, our identity. This is who we are. This is why it is so important. It is us. It is the confidence or doubt we have in ourselves. 

How do you have confidence in yourself and your abilities? By knowing WHO YOU ARE. Who are you? Who were you born to be? What is your purpose? What is your call? How do we know? This is what I’m going to be answering. If you read the title of this post you know the answer. 

You know by knowing WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE. You have confidence in yourself by being confident in Him and who He says YOU ARE. 

Let’s get started. 

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made 

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” —Psalm 139:14 (NRSV) 

I want you to speak out about the above verse. It is a challenge that is important. It is speaking out your truth. 

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. How incredible is that? You have been made by God, wonderfully, perfectly. He knows you, he made you. You have been made. You are not an ‘accident’ or a ‘mistake’ or ‘random’. You are purposely made by God with a purpose, with a life, with a calling, with talent. You are incredible and loved by God who created you fully knowing what he was doing. 

 Be confident in God knowing he created you on purpose with a purpose. In this, you can have confidence in yourself because you have confidence in Him. 

Known By God 

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” — Psalm 139:16-18 (NLT) 

You are known by God. He knew you before you were born before you were ever thought of, He knew you. An earlier verse in this chapter talks about how he saw you in your mother’s womb. He saw you. He made you, he crafted you intricately and wonderfully, fully unique. 

You are his creation. His work of art. His masterpiece. 

He loves you and cares about you. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! This is what he thinks about you. His thoughts about you are precious and cannot be numbered, they are greater than the grains of sand. 

Did you read that? His loving thoughts about you are greater than grains of sand! Have you ever been to the beach and see the sand go on farther than you can see? Have you seen the sand stretch on for miles? Have you ever tried to count the teeny-tiny grains of sand? Sand so small it’s almost like powder? Chances are you have been to the sea and seen the beach but you would not have tried to count the sand. “It's impossible!” You might say. “There are too many grains of sand. I could never count them all! There are billions and billions and billions of grains of sand and scientists can’t even measure them all!* How can I?” 

You can’t. You can’t measure that much because it is humanly impossible. Let me repeat that, “humanly impossible.” Just because it is impossible for us does not mean it is impossible for God. If fact Jesus said: 

“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’” —Luke 18:27 

Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is impossible with God. Meaning it is fully possible for God to have thoughts about us greater than the grains of sand. He is greater than us. Our minds cannot perceive all He is and all He can do. But that's alright because we know we are of Him. He created us, made us, and we are known by Him, and he gives us knowledge and understanding. 

You are precious and known by Him. Don’t ever forget this. 

*This is a true fact. There are ways to calculate sand but it doesn’t come close to the real amount. These are only estimates

Child Of God 

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” —1 john 3:1 

You are called a child of God. You are His. He made you, he loves you, he knows you. You are His child, one He loves dearly. See how much He loves you because He calls you His child. We are all His children, we are all a part of His family. 

This is why God is called “our Heavenly Father.” It is because He is our Heavenly Father. He loves us and is a kind loving protective father over us. Remember, he created you. He knows you. You are His child that he loves dearly and will never give up on us. 

We, having free will, can give up on Him. He gave us this choice. He wants us to love Him but He knows that forced love is not love. Love is a choice. A choice we have to make for ourselves and no one else. He does not force. He lets us grow, make mistakes, make bad decisions, and walk away from Him. He is a good father and he wants to protect you but as a good father knows, the child has to grow, become better, and make their own decisions. He knows that if he controlled us into loving him that it would be like we are robots programmed to feel when there are no feelings inside of us. It's not real. Not real love. 

Real love comes with having a relationship and a choice. It comes by knowing each other. This is what God wants with you. He wants a relationship. He wants you to choose to be His child and Him your father. Let me remind you, you are already His child. Nothing can change that. But if you are to believe it and to know identity-wise that you are indeed His child, then you have to choose it. He is giving you the choice. The power to make decisions in your own life, even if they are not what he wants for you. He will give you hints and nudges, but He will give you the choice because HE IS A GOOD FATHER.

Why It Matters 

When we know we have a purpose, a plan, and we know that God is with us and he loves us and we are His child, then we live with this knowledge. We reflect that knowledge with what we do. We act based on what we believe in. This is why belief is so important, we base everything off of what we believe in. Our fears and wants, our view on ourselves, our view on each other, our view on the world, everything that is important to us or that affects us is acted on based on our belief system

For example, if I believe I am confident, then I act and am confident. If I believe I am weak, I will act and be weak. The same thing goes for faith. 

If I believe God is a loving Father who cares about me and made me with a purpose, then I will act in that confidence and knowledge that He is for me. The opposite can happen in that if I believe the world, and likewise myself, was created by random chance with no purpose, then I will act in that thinking that I don’t matter and I have no purpose. 

One is a life-giving belief with life and purpose saying I am uniquely and purposefully made by God so I matter, and what I do with my life matters because I have a purpose. While the second belief is a discouraging one saying I have no true purpose and there are a million like me so what is the point?

Do you see the difference between these beliefs? One is hopeful, the other is discouraging. One gives you a purpose and the other leaves you feeling you are nothing. This is the point I want to make. BELIEF IS SO IMPORTANT. What and who you put your trust and belief in are so important and life-changing because you act on what you believe in and you believe in what you act on. What you believe in affects your thoughts and your thoughts, your mentality and your mentality of what you think and believe about yourself (your identity)  which is based on what you believe in, and then you act on that. It is a whole cycle that can either help or destroy you. The choice is up to you. 

Know there is hope. There is always hope for you. God is waiting there for you with his arms open wide. He loves you and will take care of you till the very end. 

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” —Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) 

Believe and trust in God, and you can believe in yourself and your abilities, knowing that God is with you. 

This helps your mentality, being strong and confident in yourself and strong in your identity. This helps your outlook on life which goes into helping make your dreams come true

If You liked this post be sure to check out: 

Question Time! 

I want to hear from you! What have you taken out of this post? What was encouraging to you? Have you figured out how to have confidence in a world of doubt? (Hint: it is what this post was all about). Who does God say you are? Speak it out!  I would love to chat! 

Tune in NEXT WEEK for a post on Book Love about my favorite books! 

Happy making your dreams come true! 


Moriyah 💛 


  1. Oh my word😭😭 Thanks Riyah, for sharing!! God is using you in so many ways, and I am just in awe of the ways He is using you here!!💕💕
    Thanks again for sharing!! I so needed to read this!!

    1. Thank you so much sweet friend! This means so much to me! 😭💛 I am so happy this post spoke to you! I credit it all to God! 🙌🏻


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