Happy Mother’s Day


Hello, my friend! 

Today is a late post, but I wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate our mothers. Today we celebrate their hard work, their infinite love, endless dishes, and for bringing us into the world. It is a day to say, thank you for all their hard work and love. 

I LOVE my Mom! She is the most incredible woman, and I am so thankful for her. I’m thankful that she has never given up on me. That even in the hard times when I didn’t believe in myself that she did. For the nights she would pray for me and hold my hands so I couldn’t hurt myself. 

There was a time in my life when I was incredibly depressed, and my mind was a storm I couldn’t understand. I hated everything but especially myself. I couldn’t handle life, so I would hurt myself, digging my nails into my hands and arms because the pain and storm in my head were too much for me to handle. I stopped speaking for a while unless it was totally necessary. 

My parents were there for me through it all. Every night they would pray for me. They never gave up on me even when it looked like there was no sunshine in sight. 

One thing I remember clearly is every day I would sit in the same chair. My mom would come over and sit on the ground. She would hold my hands because I would hurt myself. She would make me look into her eyes and talk to me. It took a long time for me to understand what was happening with me and to be able to put it into words. Through it, all my parents never gave up on me. They still loved and believed in me through it all. 


For Mother’s Day, I want to say thank you to my mom for never giving up on me! I want to say thank you to both my parents! Their prayers, love, patience, and support. I am forever grateful! I can never express my thanks enough! 

So on this day, I want to tell anyone who reads this to say thank you to your mother for being there for you! Say thank you! 

Happy Mother’s Day! 

XOXO Moriyah 💛 


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