Getting You Out of a Discouraged Space Into The Creative Space (8 ways you can get into the creative space)


Hello lovely reader! 

Thank you for stopping by! In today’s post, we are talking about how to get you into the creative space to MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! 

Sometimes there are days you just don’t feel creative. I know this feeling personally and it can be discouraging. You want to create and write (even work on your business) but you just have nothing to offer. Or so you think. Really, you need a change of MINDSET that will help get you into the creative space (aka the creative mindset). 

It is ALL ABOUT MINDSET. What you think, believe, and tell yourself (all connected) will determine your mindset and outlook on life. 

If you want to get into the creative space, you need to change your mindset into that space. How do you do this? You change your perspective. 

How do you change your perspective and likewise your mindset for creativity? Here are a few tips to get you started! 

Let’s do this! 

1. Speak Truth 

The most important thing you can do to change your mindset into a better one is by speaking the truth. Now what I mean is you need to speak truth and life (positivity even if you aren’t normally positive) over yourself, your life, your talent, your everything

Our words have power. 

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” —Proverbs 18:21 

What this means is that our words have the power of life or death. From what we speak we will get back #karma. This is what we speak over ourselves. If we speak truth, love, light, beauty, peace, calm, and good things over ourselves then that will positively impact our lives. The opposite is true: if we speak negativity, discouragement, anger, pain, reception, and comparison over our lives then that will impact us in a negative way that brings us down. 

My point is, that we need to speak truth and goodness over ourselves. When we speak like this (positively) it will positively impact our mindset and impact our lives in an incredible way (including our creativity). 

I speak more about this in Belief: Why It Matters To Make Your Dreams Come True & BELIEF: WHO GOD SAYS I AM (HOW TO KNOW AND HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF IN A WORLD FULL OF DOUBT)   

My next tips will be quicker and may produce a faster result but this first one is the greatest and best long-term help you can do for yourself. 

2. Take A Break 

Simple but highly effective. Sometimes your mind can get so stressed and overrun with the small things or future things that you cannot be in the here and now. 

Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a quick break. Take the time you need to “reset” yourself. Take a step back from whatever it is you are doing and breathe. Try to clear your mind. Take deep calming breaths and let go of whatever it is that is clouding up your mind and taking away your creativity. 

Take however long you need. Sometimes it will be a minute, a few minutes, an hour or so, or even a few days. Take some time to declutter your brain so you can come back strong and more creative. 

3. Oils

Sometimes it can help to do something good for you that can help your mood. I recommend diffusing oils. Young Living has so many good pure oils that can help you get into the right creative space. I might do a post more on this later, but for now, here are a few oil ideas for you to use. 

You can diffuse oils to help with mental clarity like the oils Genius & Valor. 

To put you into a bright happy mood (say you are writing a summer contemporary romance or happy book): Joy, Lemon, Orange, Citrus Fresh (YES I AM OBSESSED WITH CITRUS OILS) 

For a mystery book in the woods: Cedarwood, Pine, Winter Nights. 

There are so many oils and moods you can tailor create for yourself that can help get you into your ideal creative space. 

4. Have A Cuppa 

Make a favorite drink, something that makes you happy! 

My go-to drinks are coffee, tea, and my favorite drink Ningxia Red

I love Iced coffee (it has to be iced for me) every day. It is my comfort drink. 

Iced tea (again I love iced tea unless it is winter) is so good. My favorites are chia tea (for a cold night), peach tea on a summer day, and Iced lemon lavender honey tea with Young Living Essential Oils. SO GOOD! 

Lastly, my favorite right now is Ningxia Red. Ningxia Red is jam-packed with oils and incredible minerals for your body. It is one of the healthiest and yummiest things you can get! It is also a natural energizer and you will feel happier and more energized with one drink! 

5. Move 

Move your body. Go exercise, do a little dance, take a walk, or do yoga. Really, do anything to get your body moving and the blood flowing in your body. 

When I’m stuck or feel stressed out by the day, one of the best things I can do is get moving. I like to play my favorite movie or a fun soundtrack and workout. You don’t need a specific amount of time working out or moving your body. Anything will work and can help. Whether it is 5 minutes or an hour, find what works for YOU

6. Nature 

Get out into nature. Breath in the clear air. Experience and appreciate the world you live in, the beauty God has made, and be thankful for being alive. Get out. Be in the sun, walk through the trees, wherever nature is, go there, and be quiet for a few moments. 

Sometimes we need a break from life and our struggles and the things that make us anxious. Instead of staying in the same space, mentally and physically, go and do something to change your mentality and physical location. 

7. Change Your Physical Location 

I talked about this in the last tip, but I know it can help. I am a homebody and like to stay at home. But I know for others getting out of the house can really help with creativity and feeling ready to do the things they need to do (writing if you are a writer). 

Coffee shops and bookstores are a great place to focus and work on your writing, work, art, really anything (unless you are a singer, you might need to go somewhere else to focus, or just do a live concert, that works too). 

Some people need to be around people without having to talk to people. A way to write and do while feeling connected to everything around you. 

Changing your location can help you think of new ideas. Maybe you will be inspired by someone you see, a conversation you overhear*, a setting you like and want to add to your book or find new ways to sell, or… the possibilities are endless. 

The challenge for you introverts or homebodies** are that you will have to go out and either be “social” or out of your comfort bubble. But in the end, it will be good for you.*** 

*I mean, who doesn’t overhear snippets of conversation? I guarantee you have picked up on something others are saying in passing. It is a given. Someone is talking about what coffee they are going to get at Starbucks, a group will be talking about a school project, and another will be on a phone telling where they are at and where to meet them. These are just passing conversations we hear and can inspire us to write for new conversations and how to make them feel authentic. But wait, we can’t just take people’s conversations! You are totally right. We don’t take (that's stealing) we get inspired and rework it to fit the characters, setting, and time period making it completely our own. 

**Introverts and homebodies are NOT the same things though they often are confused as the same thing. Yes, lots of introverts are also homebodies but this is not the case for all. Some introverts (like being a lone wolf) like to go out and be around people without having to “socialize”. Similarly, I know of extroverts who are homebodies, meaning they like home above other places and prefer to stay home, but then they are charged by other people. Everyone is different and unique. Not one label will be the same for all people. That is impossible because as I said WE ARE ALL UNIQUE. 

***I say this in my comfortable home drinking coffee and having not been out of the house in a week. Well, not true. I did go outside to be in the sun and walk in my forest front yard, so…technically I have left the house, just not the property lol! 

8. Do Something You Love! 

My last tip is to DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE! Do what brings you joy! 

What makes you happy? Do that! 

Read a good book, watch a movie, make art, turn on music, bake, clean if you like, go on a field trip, sing, dance around the room, write a “just-for-fun-no-expectations” project or fanfic if that's your jam! Do what you like. When you do you will find your creativity comes alive and jumps at you. 

If You liked this post be sure to check out: 


You are a creative being with talents. Sometimes life gets in the way and we need to take a break and find ourselves again. 

  1. Speak the truth and get into God’s word, the ultimate truth

  2. Take a break and clear your mind 

  3. Have oils! Oils are an incredible resource to be used (only use Young Living because they are 100% pure and I trust their company)

  4. Have a cup of a drink you love. Even the act of making something can help switch your mindset to something good and productive. 

  5. Get your body moving! Anything will do! Even getting up to make said favorite drink. 

  6. Get out into God’s creation = Nature 

  7. Change your physical location to change your mental


Why is this important? It helps you get into the right space to make YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE because your dreams matter! 

Question Time! 

I want to hear from you! Are you in a discouraged-down mindset? Are you ready to get out of it and into the creative space? What will you do to get out of that space? What stood out to you in this post? I would love to chat! 

Tune in NEXT WEEK for a post on Easter and the real reason for the season. Hint: it's not about bunnies for Easter eggs. It is about so much more. It is about our salvation and the death and resurrection of the Savior, our King. The reason why you can make YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE, is because of the God who loves you and put those dreams inside of you and made a way for you to live through Jesus! 

Happy Creating, 

Moriyah 💛 
