Graduating and Rest

 Read Time: 7-11 minutes 

Graduating & Rest 

| graduating in 2023 & plans now that I’m done with school…for now |

Hello, Sweet Friend! 

This post I’m talking about what’s next after graduation & resting. Last week was my graduation and it was a long day but it was SO good! 

I can’t believe I’m DONE. I’ve been waiting for this day to come for THIRTEEN YEARS. No kidding. Since kindergarten I've been waiting and counting down the days for this moment. My heart has been wishing for this day when I can be done!

Oh, that I had wings like a dove;

then I would fly away and rest!

I would fly far away

to the quiet of the wilderness. 

—Psalm 55:6-7

Now it's here. 

It’s crazy.

So much has happened in these thirteen years. I’ve lived in three states, moved seven times, went through heavy depression & anxiety, recommitted my life to God, went through major character development, survived high school, started blogging, made a Bible study, did Instagram, made & lost friends, became a writer, became stronger in my faith, found a desire to adopt & go on a mission trip (neither of which I’ve done but am praying & dreaming about), and so much more. I’ve learned so many things about God and myself in these years. 

I’m a completely different person than I was thirteen years ago yet a lot of me is the same. 

I wonder what five year old me would think of who I’ve become. I wonder if she’d recognize the woman I am now. I think she’d be shocked to know that older her is a writer (something little me would be horrified of because she hated writing XD). I think she’d be proud that I am a Christian and that my faith is stronger than ever before. I think she’d be happy to know all the sweet friends I’ve made and the things I’ve done. Honestly, I don’t know if she’d notice at all. Little me was always dancing and in a world of her own. I don’t know if she’d think much of me besides knowing things are still good. They are good. There were years I wasn’t—when middle grade me was lost and shattered. But I’m in a better place now. 

So much has changed over the years. When I was first starting school the idea of college horrified me. Not in the scared horrified way but the “why in the world would you ever choose to do more school work?” kind of horrified. But…now my thoughts have changed. Believe me I’m the most surprised person to realize this—to realize that college doesn’t sound all that bad. 

Changing Perspectives 

So how in the world did this happen? How did I two weeks ago still think college wasn’t a good idea and now today I actually want to go? 

Well the first thing is I am taking a rest year (or season). I keep on feeling like I MUST do something now that I’m about to (now am) graduating. I keep feeling like I must have my life ready and worked out but truthfully I don’t. I think it’s okay that I don’t. Why should I rush into something I’m not ready for? 

So I want to take a rest season. 

Then Jesus said, ‘Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.’” —Mark 6:31 

Anyways, thats what I’m planning on. I want to purpose rest and peace in my life. Taking a break. Recharging. Focusing on God. Writing. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 4:6-7

That was the plan and as of now that’s still the plan. But now, I have something to pray for and to think about while I’m resting: college. 

I can’t believe I’m writing this out but I actually want to go to college but not just any college—a Bible college (possibly. I’m still figuring it all out XD). 

So how did this start? Well, one of my blogger/IG friends invited me to do an online college course with her and a group of friends. It is a free course on C. S. Lewis (of course I had to do it because he is my FAVORITE author) at Hillsdale college (btw. I highly recommend checking it out). So last Tuesday I studied and got to do a call with four amazing women and believers. We are doing this course together and it is so amazing. I loved talking and getting to hear these women’s perspectives.

It was at that moment I realized how fun it is to be in a community of people who talk about God. I don’t really have anyone near where I live. Everyone is all spread out and not local. Talking to these women (all who live on the other side of the country) I wished I could be closer to them. To be in an actual community of people who talk about God and love Him and who meet in person. It was a stirring of a desire, a desire I never noticed. 

Then, and this is a really important factor, I have always wanted to go on mission trips since I was little. Maybe you remember the post I did almost a year ago about my desire to go on mission. And going to college, specifically a Christian Bible college, there are a few who have transfer programs. Specifically transfer programs to Europe. 

That is my DREAM. I have always wanted to go to Europe. Since I was little, that was the dream. Sometimes I wonder if that is just a dream or if that’s an actual calling to go to Europe and possibly go on a mission trip there. 

Something I like about going on a mission trip/transfer program with a Bible college is that I feel like there is safety in it. There would be safety and a way to ease myself into going abroad and doing missions. I feel like it would also match my personality more. I can study the Bible and take breaks and be an introvert but then I can also be around people and do missions. One of my dreams (actually two) can be realized by going to Bible college…it feels right. 

I’m not settled on anything. It can all change in a moment (like this new want). But it is something I’m thinking about more right now. Who knows this may just be a phase…or maybe not. Only time & prayer will tell. 

Prioritizing Rest & God Answering Prayers

First things first, I want to prioritize rest in my life. 

I feel like it's really important to rest and I feel like I’m heading into a season where I need to rest, recharge, and get closer to God. I think that by doing that and getting closer to God that He will direct my steps and lead me in the right direction. 

Already He has answered a big prayer of mine concerning my future and the future of my writing and I’m SO excited about that! God can open doors you never expected to open. He can provide for you in wonderful and crazy ways. Don’t give up on praying and your dreams. Be persistent! Never stop praying! If God has given you a dream and a desire then He will provide for it. It may not be in your timing but if it truly is from Him then that provision and those answers and peace are coming. 

I was just looking back on my Prayer Journal (which I highly recommend doing) and this specific prayer for God to provide for my writing. I started to pray daily starting on New Year's Day and have been praying for six months every day for this. On the 30th of May He provided over half of that need—that prayer— and I have no words to describe how thankful I am for that. I went from one day having nothing to God miraculously providing for me through the generosity of people around me. I’m so thankful. <3 

I am going to be resting but I’m also going to be praying for the other half of that need to come through. I really want to pursue getting published and getting my books out to you all! That’s my dream. Also, wouldn’t it be amazing if possibly getting my books published would help provide a way for me to go to college/mission trips? I think that would be so cool and even that would be an answer to prayer. 

But before that I want to focus on God and rest. The rest will come in the right timing—His right timing for my life. 

In Conclusion 

I know I’ll still take a rest (or gap) year. I want to prioritize rest and peace in my life (I’m also not in a place where I can financially go to college and on mission trips so I am starting to pray about that). 

I talked to my mom about this and she actually likes and supports this idea. I’ve brought up YWAM before but there was hesitation on both our sides for different reasons. With this she (and I) are feeling good and at peace about it. I want that. I want to follow God’s peace wherever that is. I also love knowing that my family also supports me and has peace. 

I also love all the support from YOU! Thank you to all my sweet friends who have encouraged me on this new chapter of my life, who have prayed for me, and for also encouraging rest. All of your support means the world to me and I’m so thankful God placed you all in my life! I love you guys! 

I don’t know what will happen next. I don’t know where I’d go to college or even if I will actually go. But I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful for the future and for all God has planned for my life and my family’s life. I’m excited to see what happens next. I have a feeling it’s going to be amazing! 

Trust in the Lord and do good.

Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

Take delight in the Lord,

and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the Lord.

Trust him, and he will help you.

He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,

and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

Be still in the presence of the Lord,

and wait patiently for him to act. 

—Psalm 37:3-7

June Lookahead 

I’ve been prepping a lot of posts and I’m so excited to get them all out to you! I have some really exciting reviews coming up soon (like The Looking Glass Illusion & a movie review), a cover reveal I’m SO excited about this Monday, some reading wrap ups, my summer tbr and MORE coming all this month of JUNE! It’s going to be an amazing month! <3 

Discussion Time

Thank you so much for reading this post! <3 

I want to hear from you! Meet me in the comments and tell me what you thought of this post? What kind of season are you in? Are you in a season of rest or action? Happy summer! Do you have any fun summer plans or books you are hoping to read? I would love to chat! 

ALSO, if you have any topic you’d like me to cover—writing help or tips, book/movie reviews, thoughts on faith/life, anything—please let me know down in the comments! I want to write posts that can help you and that you would find valuable in (I’m also always looking for new post ideas to write about)!

AND don’t forget to come back THIS MONDAY for the cover reveal of Madisyn Carlin (one of my FAVORITE Christian authors and fairytale retellers) newest book coming out later this month! I cannot wait to show you all the cover!!!  

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below! Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. ALSO, If you want to hear more about my writing and read snippets from my stories, make sure you are subscribed because I am doing special updates for BLOG SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! 

Love, Moriyah 💛


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Moriyah dear, how LOVELY!! I am so glad this group has created a lovely community where we can all talk about our faith and our mutual love for books!! I was just going to write a "Links I'm Loving Post" when I came across this by accident!

    Isn't God so AMAZING to bless us with community? And can you believe that I was praying for MONTHS before I started this! I had such a desire but every door for a literary community would be slammed in my face. Yet God is SO FAITHFUL and he really came through!

    I am so excited for your plans and your gap year! I think it's so wise and so necessary to take a break and allow your mind to clear. I know that I have a much, much clearer idea of my purpose and plans than I did a year ago. (I don't think they'll ever be crystal clear, because life is life and the unexpected always has a way of rearing up its head when I least expect, but hey! That's where faith steps in and beautifies the "mess.")

    Support you all the way and am giving you a HUGE bear hug, sweet girl!!

  2. Madisen LundquistJune 2, 2023 at 2:54 PM

    Oh my goodness Riyah!!! I don't even know where to start!
    Okay, first off congrats again!! I totally cannot tell you're excited at all🤭🥳
    That's crazy!! God definitely works in mysterious ways & this new desire stirring in you is definitely something to lean into Him for the wisdom & peace! I will definitely be praying for you in a new way now!!
    Can I ask what need the Lord provided half of?? I understand if not :)
    This is such an exciting new season in your life & I'm so proud of your for keeping God at the center of your life!!
    I love you so so much!!

  3. Moriyah!! I am so excited for you, sweet friend! I love your dedication to prayer and seeking His will in this desire for college. I can’t wait to see how He brings you to all the wonderful, wonderful places you’ll go in life. And all that you’ll do for His kingdom! You’re an inspiration to me. 🧡✨ ~ Ella

    1. Aww!!! Thank you so much Ella!!! *misty eyes* You are so sweet and such a wonderful friend!
      Aww, Ella!!! You are such an inspiration to me! I love how you follow God and your ability with words both written and spoken! Thank you for your encouragement! Love you! 💛✨


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