My 2023 Graduation

 Read Time: 11-17 minutes 

My 2023 Graduation 

| 05.25.23 |

Hello, Sweet Friend! 

You guys!!! I DID IT!!!! As of Thursday I am an official high school graduate!!! That’s so crazy! It’s also SUMMER!!! How exciting is that?

Now, I had a different post scheduled to go out yesterday but…I decided to hold off on that fun post and instead share my graduation day with you! 

Next week I’ll have a post about what I’m doing after graduation but today we are going to be talking about the actual day. Let me say it was amazing but it didn’t start out that way. 

I do warn you, this is a very LONG post. So sit down, get some coffee or tea, relax and let’s get into the story! 


So originally I planned on sleeping in but then I got super sick and had major cramps (its that time of month though this is the longest and sickest I’ve been from having my cycle in…years (this is probably TMI but it's a part of the story so…XD)).  So I woke up at 7:20am, tried to stay in bed as long as possible before I had to get up, which ended up being around 8:06am. 

I started my morning routine around 8:20 am and then went back to my room. 

At 8:30am I did my Bible time which was my favorite part of the morning (and every morning). This morning’s Bible reading was really good! I read Hebrews 6 & Psalm 55 and took some notes in my Bible. 

—Bible Notes From Psalm 55–

6–And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest;” 

Encouragement to rest. A verse for graduation. 


16– But I call upon God, and the Lord will save me.

17– Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he will hear my voice.

18– He will redeem me unharmed from the battle that I wage, 

God will be with me. He will not leave me. He will answer me. 


22– Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; 

But I will trust in you. —Psalm 55:23

I will trust in God. Casting my burdens and fears on Him. Following Him in all that I do. I WILL TRUST. 


Then I had prayer time and prayed over the day and that God would take away my sickness and help me get through the day. I just kept thinking how much I wish graduation was happening on any other day and not a day when I’m sick and just want to hide. 

I felt much better after prayer and bible time. 

8:55 am — 10:30 am 

After prayer and Bible I went downstairs and made waffles for me and my youngest brother, Lion. After taking a few bites I had ibuprofen and finished my meal. About an hour later I could feel the medicine kicking in which was amazing. 

My family and I talked a lot that morning. We talked about growing up, the past, family, God, and how today (graduation) was going to be a good day. 

11 am —Getting Ready 

At 11am I started getting ready to go. I did my nails and painted them a color to match my dress. I put on some make up—something light and natural looking. Then I messaged a friend and asked her to pray for me. I love that I have friends and people in my life who are with me and who will pray for and with me. It's so amazing and It's such a blessing in my life. 

My dad went to the post office and got one of my books stamped with the date so that I will have a memory marker of graduation! 

At 11:40 am I got my hair done. I went to my mom’s room and she curled my hair. It gave me flashbacks to being little and my mom curling my hair to go out or when I used to do dance and musical performances. I remember being that little girl all excited to have my hair done and so ready to grow up. Now look at me here, graduating high school. It was a surreal kind of moment. 

We had playing Kari Jobe (my comfort singer! I listen to her music whenever I’m stressed, fearful, or something big is happening) and her song Amen (the simple gospel) was playing. I did not cry, but I was starting to feel emotional. I wasn’t expecting to be emotional already but here I was. This day I had been waiting for thirteen years to come, is here. I’m living in it. This moment little me watching High School Musical couldn’t wait for is happening. It was almost hard to believe. 

Did anyone else have that picture of the High School Musical graduation in their heads? That was what I was thinking about a lot of the day! That was always the picture of graduation in my head! XD

12:50 pm —Leaving 

So, we left around 12:50 pm (I don’t remember the actual time we left but we needed to leave at 12:30 and I know we were 15-20 minutes late). We got all ready and headed out to get to where the graduation is taking place. Along with me graduating, my sister, Scarlett, was having her eighth grade promotion into high school. 

We got to the center just after 1:30, saw an old family friend, got checked in, and Scarlett went off to rehearsals and the rest of us went out to the car to get a snack and hang out until the doors opened. 

At about 2:40, my grandpa came and we all waited to get inside. 

3pm — Scarlett becomes a High Schooler  

At 3pm, Bruno Mars’s You Can Count On Me started playing and I admit I was feeling teary eyed. Scarlett walked down the aisle and we all clapped and yelled.  Some speeches were made and then the time came for all the eighth graders to walk the stage.  She made her way across the stage in her hair down and in her white dress with lace. Her name was called out and she grabbed the certificate saying she was promoted. We all yelled and clapped and whooped for her—fully wanting to be the loudest family in the room. 


She came out smiling (at first she looked terrified to be going into the rehearsal alone but then all was good). We hugged her, went outside, and my brother’s got cookies. 

3:20 — Crashing  

I felt a crash coming on. I thought I had timed my ibuprofen right but…I missed the right time to take it. So I crashed. 

We were waiting outside having cookies and the boys playing when I felt my heart racing, my breathing shaky, and the emotional and physical shift from being on painkillers to the pain (though dull) coming back and with it all my emotions that were hard to control. My mom looked at me and I started to cry. I didn’t want to cry. I hate crying. But I did cry and she knew why. 

My dad took me to the car and I got some ibuprofen and just sat down to breathe in the car for a while. It was hard to catch a breath and I just wanted to keep crying and at the same time felt so stupid for crying and wishing we could just go home. I prayed a lot too. I knew we weren’t going back home so I needed a strength and peace I didn’t possess but I knew who did and so I prayed.

3:46 I was able to calm myself down enough to go back to the others. I hugged my parents and cried a little more—so the calming down didn’t do much. By that time there were already seniors with their caps and gowns coming early for rehearsals. That set my heart racing. I was a mess and not at all ready to do a rehearsal without melting into pieces. 

So we went back to the car and got a snack—chocolate for me—and I just sat trying to keep myself from crying and checking my makeup to make sure it wasn’t too messed up. 

First my mom gave me Breath Again* which helped some but then she gave me Peace and Calming* and that really helped me calm down. 

One of my uncles came then and I put on my cap and gown—praying as I did. 

*These are Young Living oils! Which you can find more info on my mom’s blog: 

4:55 — Rehearsals 

We went back to the building (the one where my sister got promoted) though after some pictures with the family. 

I went inside and there were so many of us—more than I expected though I didn’t know how many I did expect. 

My class of 2023 had 141 students. All who I had never met before. That’s a lot of people to meet all at once. XD 

So first I sat down though in a moment we all had to move around and try to fit us all into six rows (three on each side). I stuck to the right and ended up between a group of guys all taller than myself and I felt so short. XD I know I’m on the shorter side but everyone felt taller than me—yes there shorties like me there but I was just in between all the tallest guys and yes I felt totally uncomfortable. 

My heart was racing and I just kept praying that God would get me through this day. I prayed around with the green cord around my neck they gave me when I first came in. I noticed around me that not everyone had green cords and others had different colored ones. 

The teachers went through the instructions—I think we were all supposed to practice but there were so many of us we only got a half rehearsal done. They said there were students who would be recognized by their cords—so I would be recognized though I had no idea for what—and that were were to keep our cards with out names written out at all times (we weren’t in alphabetical order so we could sit anywhere). 

We practiced walking out (the finally if you would) and then practiced walking back in (our opening number). Again I was sat in a different spot, this time at the end and still next to guys taller than me. They did a quick walk through with a quarter of the group and then we practiced walking out again. 

6:00 pm —Waiting  

Now outside we took a group photo. The guy next to me, who’s name card said Kellen, turned around to me and said I looked really familiar to him. He said that twice and both I said I wasn’t sure if I’d met him before—which was true. I could have possibly met him as a kid but I had no memory if that was true.  

He nodded and we took the class photo. Then it was time to line up again. The Valedictorians all were lined up first on one side and then the no picture kids and performers were next. Then we could go and stand wherever we liked. Not everyone was paying attention and most were talking or just standing alone. I went behind the performers on the right and was one of the first in line. 

Kellen and another girl he knew stood behind me. We were waiting outside for 20-30 minutes just standing. At first I was quiet but I did listen into the conversation behind me. It feels weird to listen into another person’s conversation but they were right behind me and it was funny to listen to. I found out—by listening— that Kellen makes a lot of jokes when nervous. Which actually was nice for me. I was really nervous but his jokes, though not intended for me, put me at ease. 

He then went to talk to the performers—singers Sofiyah and Miyah (pronounced Me-Ah)—and the girl in front of me who was named Olivia. They talked of what the wanted to do after graduation. Kellen, a pilot or something with burning things (a joke I think) and Miyah, someone in law (to get Kellen out of trouble XD). Miyah then turned to me and asked me what I wanted to do. I told her I was going to be a writer. She asked what I liked to write about and I told her  (though of course I didn’t explain it well (how does one describe five separate books with different themes, characters, genres, and each have different pieces of your heart? I didn’t XD)).

Olivia, a girl with starlight jet black hair, brown eyes, a nose ring, and looked stylish turned to me and we talked a bit. She, like me, didn’t really want to be here but came for her family. She wants to go to UCLA and study economics and something with math (even though math is her least favorite subject). 

The singers then asked each of us if we would want to go to an Escape Room after graduation. Each of us had something to do after but it was still fun to be invited. 

 6:20 — Graduation 

The doors opened and we found out why it took so long for the doors to open. The room was PACKED (that's with a ten person per student guest limit). 

We walked just like we practiced to the sound of Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar. If you ever watched Fantasia 2000 and saw Donald Duck as Noah with all the animals then you know this song. XD 


I got to be in the front right row in between Olivia and Kellen. We had speeches from a teacher and two valedictorians, a piano player playing The Song Of Solomon, and the singers who sang a song from Hamilton. In between these were student recognitions. 

With my green cord I was recognized with the “Golden State Seal of Merit” (which basically means I was a good student who chose studies in one or more career paths for a certain amount of time (mine was writing & psychology)) . 

The Walk 

Then came time for us to talk. The first row all got up and lined up to walk up and cross the stage. One at a time we made our entrance. I walked up the wooden steps and whispered my name to a teacher I have had since my first year of high school (she is a great teacher). She read my name, my family yelled and cheered for me making me smile probably a bit goofy,  and I went over to the doctor and a teacher to get my “fake diploma”, smiled and said thank you,  and walked to the designated picture spot and then went down the steps and back to my seat. 

It took probably 15–20 seconds but was so cool. 


All the students' names were read. I said congratulations to the people around me. Olivia told me that she thinks all the dads scream the loudest for the kids which was true and sweet. 

At the end all us students stood up, changed our tassels from the right side to the left side of our hat and threw out caps into the air (though I actually just took it off and crept it in my hand—I did not want to lose it XD). All of us walked out. At the end my mom screamed at me happily and hugged me before I went outside to get my real diploma. 

At first I was lost on what to do but thankfully Sofiyah was there and helped me. I got my diploma with my name and everything and went to the back near the back exit. 

It was chaos. XD

Everyone from inside poured out to the back little area. It was all voices, yelling, crying, celebrating, and people all everywhere making sounds on top of each other. I thought about leaving and looking for my family but seeing how many people there were I decided to stay where I was and wait to find them. I figured that staying in one place was my best option. 

After a little while and feeling just slightly claustrophobic my mom, sister, and brother Max found me and hugged me. We then went out to the front and met up with the rest of the family including my dad, the rest of my siblings, two of my uncles, one cousin, my grandpa, and my grandma. 


My family and I all talked. We talked about graduation, my writing, life, what’s next, books, stories, people, and everything. I think we were the last family to leave actually. 

At 8 we finally went to the car and I got an appetite (I should have eaten before rehearsals but I couldn’t eat but now I could eat! Hurray!). So I had a Nutella toast and a jelly toast and some chips before we left. 

We all said goodbye and headed home. 

It was a LONG day and I was exhausted by the time we got back. Dad made me and mom some soup and then we headed off to bed. I was SO tired but I was also grateful for the day. It wasn't the easiest and I was in pain for some of it but it was a good day. Good things happened and I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL!!! I can’t believe that I’m actually gone. Like, it's summer now! How did this happen so fast?! 


Now I get to focus on writing and reading and having an awesome summer. I am taking a college class (with some friends) so I will still be doing that but otherwise for now I am done. 

In my next post I’ll talk about what’s next. Originally that was going to be first but I think this is better to have now than later—especially since next week's post will be about after graduation and the thought of going to college. I’m really excited to get that post to you all!  

Thankful for on graduation: 

I’m thankful for:

  • My family always being there for me, praying for me, and supporting me

  • For friends who pray for me

  • For make up that didn’t mess up even after crying multiple times

  • For hair that stayed curly even though I was out for hours 

  • For family making time to come to graduation 

  • For kind people who made me feel at ease and silly jokes that make me laugh

  • For being done with high school

  • For a time of rest

  • For God answering my prayer and being close to me not just on graduation but my whole entire life 

  • For God being my writing partner and starting this writing partnership in high school 

  • For chocolate & ibuprofen 

  • God’s word and for prayer 

  • For sitting in a good group of people at graduation 

  • For getting my cues 

  • For not crying or being in pain during the ceremony 

  • For cool weather and a good breeze 

  • For music that calms my nerves 

  • For the perfect dress that took three stores to find 

  • For getting an award I had no idea about 

  • For air conditioning 

  • For little conversations 

  • For a loving family who care for me 

  • For the power of prayer 

  • For being in the front row 

  • For so many things…more things than I can say or ever count.  

Discussion Time

Thank you so much for reading this post! <3 

I want to hear from you! How are you? How is your day? Have there been any verses that have been encouraging you? I would love to chat! 

ALSO, if you have any topic you’d like me to cover—writing help or tips, book/movie reviews, thoughts on faith/life, anything—please let me know down in the comments! I want to write posts that can help you and that you would find valuable in (I’m also always looking for new post ideas to write about)!

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below! Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. ALSO, If you want to hear more about my writing and read snippets from my stories, make sure you are subscribed because I am doing special updates for BLOG SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! 

Love, Moriyah 💛


  1. Congrats, Moriyah! Such a good idea to write an entire post to remember your special day. It all goes by in a flash. :) But such beautiful pictures, too!

    1. And once more, I am anonymous. *sigh* No longer! :)

    2. Aww! Thank you so much, Vanessa! It does go by in a flash! Thank you! I’m glad you like the photos! <3
      Sorry about that. I don’t know why it keeps doing that.

  2. Aww, Moriyah!!! ❤❤❤❤
    I love this post! It's so amazing to get to see your day! It's just incredible! This is just such a wonderful moment, so thank you for sharing it with us! I can't wait to see what your plans are for after high school!

    1. Aww!!! 💛💛💛💛
      Thank you SO MUCH!!! I’m so glad you like this post!!! Thank you for reading!!! Yes! That post is coming out TOMORROW!!! I’m so excited for it!
      THANK YOU!!!! 🥳🎉

  3. Congratulations, dear girl! I am so excited for you. Graduation for me was bittersweet--a bit terrifying, a bit odd, and bit exciting. Don't let others pressure you into immediately jumping right into college or other life-changing decisions. Take a deep breath and take a few weeks (or months) to really dig into the Word and pray for God's guidance.

    To quote the Irish blessing,

    "May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

    I wish you the best on this latest leg of your life's journey, and may you always remember that no matter what trying or difficult circumstances arise, God is always in control and He will never let you go.

    1. Aww! Thank you so much, Madi! I feel that! There are so many different emotions and feelings going on. It certainly makes the day memorable. ☺️
      Thank you girl! That’s exactly what I’m going to do! I think it’s going to be really good to take a time of rest and focus on God! I have some things I want to pray and work on and I think this is the perfect time to work on that and pray and wait on God and His guidance.

      I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you for sharing this Irish Blessing! <3

      Thank you so much for your kind words! They mean so much to me! *misty eyes* Thank you for that reminder! God is in control! I just need to trust in Him and follow Him wherever He leads me! <3

      Also, I cannot wait for your cover reveal on Monday! It’s going to be so fun!

  4. Madisen Lynne LundquistMay 27, 2023 at 12:08 PM

    Thanks for sharing your graduation day with us!! I'm so glad I was able to pray for you! I never stopped!!🙏🏻😭💛
    I LOVE all the pictures & verses!!
    You are such an AMAZING (almost adult🤯) young lady & best friend!! & I am so stickin proud of you!!
    I'm sooooo happy to hear there was no pain during the ceremony & that God surrounded you with kind people to help ease the nerves!! WHAT AN ANSWER TO PRAYER!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
    I'm so excited for whatever God has next for you!! I know it'll be nothing short of amazing & just as wonderful & special like the person He made you to be!!
    I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! & I hope & pray we can meet this summer!! I miss youuu!!

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him & He shall direct your paths."
    Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 NKJV

    1. Aww, Madi!!! THANK YOU BESTIE!!!! I DID IT! *victory dance* I’M SO EXCITED!!! 🥳🎓🎉💛🙌🏻
      Thank you for praying!!! You have no idea how much that meant to me to have you praying for me! That was so helpful and made that day more special! We were with each other in prayer! 💛🙏🏻😭
      YAY!!! I’m so glad you liked the verses & pictures!!! <3
      Thank you, Madi!!! 😭 You are such an incredible woman & best friend! I love you SO MUCH! & Congratulations on getting your drivers permit!!! I’m so excited & proud of you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
      Eek!!! Thank you!!! Aww, Madi!!! You are the sweetest!!! 😭😍💛 Thank you for your wonderful words!!! YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!!
      I LOVE YOU OH SO MUCH!!!! 😘💛 Oh my goodness! That would be incredible!!! I really hope that happens and we can see each other!!! I miss you so much!!! 😍💛💛💛
      THANK YOU!!! YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!! 😍🥳💛🎉🙏🏻🙌🏻


    2. Madisen LundquistJune 2, 2023 at 2:59 PM

      WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!🥳💛🥳
      Of course!!! I'm so glad I was able to pray for you & that our prayers were answered!!!🙌🏻💛🙏🏻 YESSS!! Together in prayer!!!! <3
      Haha, thanks Riyah!!🤭🥳
      I wanna be like you when I grow up!!! You are the literal BEST!!!
      I LOVE YOU TOO!!!
      Me too!!!!🤞🏻🙏🏻💛 It would be amazing!!!
      Congrats again sweet friend!!!<3

    3. 🥳🥳🥳
      Yes!!! Thank you!!! It means so much to me that you prayed and He answered!!! 🙌🏻💛 YESSS!!! Together in prayer!!! <3
      You’re welcome!!! 🎉
      Aww, girl!!! *crying* You are SO incredible!!! I love you so much!!! You are so amazing and I’m so proud of you and all you have done!
      I LOVE YOU!!!
      Thank you so much sweet friend!!! 💛💛💛

  5. CONGRATULATIONS, MORIYAH!!!! <3333 I'm SOOO glad it turned out well for you!!! What a special memory you made!! 😊 (Our times of the month always seem to come at the worst times, don't they? *sobs*) "I was just in between all the tallest guys and yes I felt totally uncomfortable." Aggh I hate when that happens! I'm relieved it's not just me LOL!

    Praying God gives you guidance and peace on your next steps in life!!! 🥰

      (Yes! They really do. I topically always have mine on my birthday or important family events *sobs*)
      Haha! I’m glad I’m not the only one either! XD

      Thank you so much friend!!! Your prayers mean so much to me!!! 🥰💛


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