Giving Your Story To God | Going Back to The Basics of Writing
101 Writing Basics | part 5
Giving Your Story To God | Going Back to The Basics of Writing
101 Writing Basics | part 5
What does it look like to partner with God and give Him your story? To me it looks like surrender. It is giving God reign and rule and kingship over your writing so that it is no longer only yours but His. It looks like following His voice and doing what He says to say and write and create over yourself and what you may want. It is writing what He leads you to write even if that changes your story.
This has happened to me MANY times and it can be a challenge at first but trust me when I say it is worth it. God knows better than us. He is the first creator, the first creative, the first author. When you partner with Him you quite literally get counseling and “internship” from the best writer to ever exist. Isn’t that cool?
When you do this, when you put God’s will over yours in your writing, you are giving your story to God. No longer is it yours but His. He has to come first.
You don’t have to do this but for me this is so important. This is how I’m even able to write in the first place. I wasn’t able to write. Writing was my nemesis. I started feeling called to write at 15. It was scary and felt impossible because I couldn’t write before then. Sure I could spell and I could write an okay school paper but I had no clue how to write a story. It wasn’t until I surrendered to God and prayed and gave Him rule over my life and writing that everything changed and my life was forever altered in the most incredible way.
I want to give you some quick practically steps to take this into action:
Guess what? I am in the works in creating a SUPER SECRET project *shhh* that has to do with this exact topic! I hope to go more in-depth in this topic of giving your story to God. If you know me then you know what an important topic this is for me and I want to help you alone on this journey! I hope to have this available to you sometime this autumn! Please pray for me!
Hurray, friend! You did it! You have made it to the FINAL post in the Getting Back To The Basics blog series!
Read the other posts in the series:
- Part 1 |
- Part 2 |
- Part 3 |
- Part 4 |
I am so excited you have made it to this post! I pray these posts have helped you and that maybe you learned something new! I will be posting more content like this soon! If you have any topic requests please let me know in the comments down below! If you want to see more content like this, don’t forget to check out the other posts on the blog, my writing and faith podcast and my newsletter where I send letters full of encouragement and faith every other week!
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
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