Without Rushing (learning to wait on the Lord in a world in a rush)

 learning to wait on the Lord in a world in a rush 

Without Rushing  

Something that has been on my mind recently and has been a topic of conversation with my family is the thought of not rushing. So often I think we can rush into things—rush into plans, relationships, college, a job, a story. We can rush into things fearing we only have this one chance—one chance to write a book, one chance at a relationship, one chance at getting this job, one chance at life. While there is a bit of truth to this, we have only one life on this earth but that doesn’t mean we should rush into things. 

As a Christian, I believe we should follow the Lord where He leads us. Where does God want you to go? What does God want you to do? What did God make you for? How will you use your life to bring Him glory and honor? How will your life point people to God? 

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 

—1 Corinthians 10:31

God is not rushed. He is never late. He is always on time though it may not be our version of “on time”. His timing is always right even if we cannot see yet why. If God is not rushed then why should we, as His children adopted through Jesus, be rushed?

God is the god of peace. I believe that following Him in His peace you will not need to be rushed for that is not how God works. Yes, things may go fast but there is a difference between fast and rushed. One is in control and one is out of control. God is always in control but we have the free will to choose what we want to do and oftentimes that is us trying to rush into things before we are ready or it is time. 

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel,

“In returning and rest you shall be saved;

in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

—Isaiah 30:15

I believe we should wait on the Lord and take our time knowing God is not rushed. I was really inspired by a conversation I had with a missionary recently. He had a plan for his life but he felt this lack of peace in the way he was going. He took time to pray and wait on the Lord. After a time of waiting, God led him to the mission field. Now he is praying and waiting on the Lord to find out where God wants him to be a missionary to. Something I loved about hearing his story was how he wasn’t rushed. He has been faithfully waiting on the Lord knowing God will answer him and being patient. He is not rushing into the mission field without knowing God’s direction. He is waiting on the Lord knowing it can take time before he feels peace in the right way. While he is waiting, he is growing in skills, going on mission trips and preparing himself for what God has planned for him. 

In our world I think we can rush into things. Rush into college before having a clear direction of what God wants you to do. Rush to a job because you need to make money now. Rush to a relationship because what if this is my only shot at getting married. Rush to a story because what if the words never come back to me. Maybe instead of rushing we are supposed to wait. To wait on the Lord and see what He wants us to do. To not fear that this is your only chance but see what the Lord wants you to do and trust Him through it all. Maybe you are supposed to go to college, get that job, be in that relationship and write that story. Maybe you are supposed to wait and be patient. 

Wait for the LORD;

be strong, and let your heart take courage;

wait for the LORD!

—Psalm 27:14 

Grow in skills. Grow in patience. Grow in your faith and relationship with Jesus first before everything else. Then when the time is right, God will lead you in His peace where you are to go. There will be no rushing, no fear, no anxiety. You will have peace in God and His ways. (At least this is what I believe).

“For you shall go out with joy,

And be led out with peace;

The mountains and the hills

Shall break forth into singing before you,

And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

—Isaiah 55:12

Haymaking By Moonlight, 1876 Oil painting Artist: Cecil Gordon Lawson (in the public domain)

*Originally this was a part of one of my letters to my lovely subscribers! As a subscriber you get these kinds of posts and musings FIRST! Our little community is growing and only 11 away from 100 subscribers! If you haven’t subscribed, please do! If you have subscribed and know someone who would like to receive musings and ramblings from a Christian writing through life then please send them over! 
