God is my safe place | from the Bible #1

 God is my safe place  

| from the Bible #1 |

This is a new addition to my monthly newsletters I am starting up! Every month I want to share something I have learned or are learning in the Bible! I hope you like this new blog/newsletter series! 

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Hello sweet friend! Today I want to chat about something new I have learned about myself and God this last week! <3 

Generally, I am not really an emotional person. I typically keep things close to myself, not likening to cry. Only when I feel safe can I cry and let myself feel emotions and hard things. Going through trauma or traumatic events, I don’t allow myself to feel anything because if I feel I can break and if I break when it isn’t safe then that isn’t good and I can’t help anyone. 

My friend Shira (@SHIRARODRIGUEZ) sent me this beautiful reel about God being the good shepherd. It quoted Psalm 55.

Cast your burden on the

And He shall sustain you;

He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

The reel was talking about how there is this thing called a “cast sheep”.

  A cast sheep is a sheep that has laid down and can’t get up because its center of gravity is off – sometimes because it’s pregnant or simply because it has a full fleece. Once down, gasses start to build up in their abdomen and they can die in a matter of hours. If you get them back up on their feet, then they’re fine.” Getting intimate with a cast sheep – Jared Gulian 

Cast Sheeps can only get up if their shepherd sets them up right. The reel talked about how good shepherds will take the sheep’s head in his hands and speak kind and comforting words to the sheep. 

This is such a beautiful picture of God. 

We can be cast sheep. So burdened by the weight of the world and our problems and anxiety, it can all stack on top of us so we can’t even get up…it's too much for us. It's too much and it's killing us. 

In the Bible, we are told to cast our burdens on Him. Now, seeing this reel and this picture of the sheep and good shepherd, I see this in a bigger light—in a greater way than before. 

We are to cast our burdens on Him, but He will be with us, leading us and taking that load off of us and setting us to rights. Putting us back on our feet in perfect balance. He is there with us, comforting us, caring for us. 

His hands are cupping your face tenderly, making sure you are focusing fully on him. He loves you and He doesn’t want you to fall or die. He is there for you, waiting to pick you up, wanting to take that load off of you.

I just love this picture SO MUCH! 

After watching the reel, I talked about it to my mom and before I could even finish describing what this reel was about I was in tears. I wasn’t sad but I was crying. 

It was then in that conversation that I realized something about myself. 

God is my safe place. 

Whenever I talk about God and the Bible I feel myself start to tear up. Most of the time it's not even something sad or emotional. It can be small yet I’m holding back tears with each word. 

My mom said that I am tender to Him and His word. That He is such a huge part of my life, He saved my life, He changed my life, my life is His, that of course I would feel emotional even talking about Him. 

Then it hit me, I don’t cry really unless I feel safe. The fact I cry when talking about God and the Bible is a huge testament to me on HOW SAFE HE IS TO ME. He is so safe that even talking about Him can bring me to tears, not because I am sad or even really emotional, but because HE IS SAFE. 

When I was younger, I started a blog called “My Hiding Place” because that was what God was for me. He is still my hiding place but even more than that He is my safe place. My safe person. 

He is safe. 

I encourage you to make Him your safe place. He is the best person to trust. The most safe person you will ever know or encounter. In Him is perfect peace and love. 

He is safety. 


  1. I know this post is older, but just wanted to say I love it so much! <3

    1. Aww!!! Thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you like this post!
      One of my favorite things about blogging is that you can write a post and months or years later people can still find it and read it! <3


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