Look For Yellow by Anna Barroso | cover reveal
Looking For Yellow by Anna Barroso
| cover reveal |
Hello, Sweet Friend! Today I am sharing the COVER for Look For Yellow!!! I’m SO EXCITED!
I’m so excited to help Anna Barroso in her COVER REVEAL for her first poetry collection look for yellow. Look for Yellow is the first book in the Hues of the Heart poetry collection. Look for Yellow navigates what it's like to have depression and anxiety as a Christian. This book walks through college conformity, loss and grief, insecurity, and biblical truths to overcome it.
I’m really excited to read this poetry book! And I’m loving the cover! It’s YELLOW!!! *heart eyes*
Question Of The Day: What is your favorite flower???
The Cover Reveal
“for the weeper”
“for the lover”
“for the dreamer”
“for the reader”
The cover….
…in three…
I’m loving the yellow cover and if I’m correct…Anna did all her own artwork! How cool is that? Through this book there are MANY illustrations which is so fun! <3
I’ll talk to you later, friend! I hope all of you have been doing good and that your summer has been happy and blessed!
Meet me in the comments and tell me do you love sunflowers? Do you like poetry books? What do you think of the cover? Do you think you want to read this book? Let me know in the comments!
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Love, Moriyah 💛
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