Clarion Hope by Laurel Luehmann


Clarion Hope by Laurel Luehmann 

| A bookish review |

Hello, Sweet Friend! 

Today I am sharing my book review of Clarion Hope by my sweet friend Laurel! I’m so excited to share this review with you and I hope you read this book because it is INCREDIBLE! 

I’m also so excited that spring is here! The sky is blue, the trees and grass are vibrant green with hints of sunshine yellow, and the sun is shining warm and bright! God has brought spring and I am so grateful! I’ve been able to read outside which has been amazing and take springtime colorful photos again! 

After reading Clarion Hope I also did two drawings which you’ll get to see! This is such a beautiful book and I know I’ll read it many times again! 

Now to the review! 

it’s much too much for this heart to bear…

so I hand it over to the Healer

in tears

and find I can dance again.”

— Laurel Luemann  

Rating: ★★★★★

Cleanness: ★★★★★

I don’t have enough words to describe how much I love this beautiful book! This book is just SO SO beautiful and moving. From the prologue to the end, my eyes were watering and I felt so many times close to tears (in the best kind of way). 

Laurel writes in such a beautiful way that you FEEL. You feel the brokenness, the pain, the longing, the hope, the regret, the victory, the heartache, and the healing. Every emotion you can feel deeply. 

While reading I had so many times when I flashed back to my past. Where I remembered when I felt broken and beyond repair but God never gave up on me and that’s so much of this book. This book is a journey, a journey from brokenness to being victorious in God. It’s a book that makes you feel and gives you hope. You are taken from brokenness to healing to victory. 

This book is so beautiful and emotional. It's real, raw, and vulnerable. It continually points back to God. It actually reminds me of the Psalms. A book that isn't trying to be “poetic” but is about faith. It is about struggles and loss. It’s a reminder of God’s love and faithfulness. It’s a warrior's call to faith and boldness. It’s so many things and I love it! 

I will definitely be reading this many more times! This book feels like one that will be timeless. A book you can read over and over again without feeling tired. A book you can go to to find encouragement. A book where you can read and find something that pulls at your heart no matter how many times you open its pages. 

I cannot recommend this book enough. Please read this! You will not regret it! 

her heart -

through scars -

still beats like Mine.”

—Laurel Luehmann 

The Pinterest board : 

Okay, if you know me, you know how much I love book aesthetics! Laurel made this wonderful aesthetic Pinterest board! I highly recommend you check it out! 

All the links for Clarion Hope… 


Discussion Time

I hope you liked this book review!!! Thank you so much for reading this post! <3 

I want to hear from you! Meet me in the comments and tell me what you thought of this post? Do you like poetry? Have you read any of Laurel’s poetry before? Do you want to read Clarion Hope? I would love to chat! 

ALSO, if you have any topic you’d like me to cover—writing help or tips, book/movie reviews, thoughts on faith/life, anything—please let me know down in the comments! I want to write posts that can help you and that you would find valuable in (I’m also always looking for new post ideas to write about)!

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below! Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. ALSO, If you want to hear more about my writing and read snippets from my stories, make sure you are subscribed because I am doing special updates for BLOG SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! 

Love, Moriyah 💛


  1. Oh, goodness…the ART!!😭😭😭This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this, Moriyah.❤️

    1. Ahh!!! Thank you Laurel! 😍😭💛 I’m so glad you like the art!
      Aww! You are so welcome! Thank YOU for writing this beautiful and moving book of poetry that in turn inspired me to do art! 💛 You have such a beautiful way with words and I’m so glad that I was able to read Clarion Hope! 💛

  2. BEAUTIFUL review, girl!!! I'm dying to read this - I know I'll love it!!!

    1. AHH!!! Thank you so much, girl!!! YES! You need to read this book!!! I’m positive you will love it! 😍💛


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