Outlining A Winter Story


Hello, sweet friend! 

Today I want to share a little bit about the outlining process of my newest writing project! It is a winter story I’m calling Broken Ballerina (a winter story).  

I love this story and these characters. I was taken on an unexpected ride while outlining this story. I had an ending in my mind. Everything was leading up to this moment, and then…it wasn’t right. There was something wrong. All of a sudden I realized my main guy character wasn’t ready for this ending. He had grown and matured in this book, but he wasn’t fully there. He hadn’t grown enough for me to write that he got his happily ever after, the end. 

I was stumped. I took him on a journey, but it was incomplete. So what happens now? 

I didn’t know what to do. Then it was like my main girl started talking to me. I heard her voice in my head, and she saw it too. She saw he wasn’t ready, even though she was. 

I didn’t know where the story would lead, but all of a sudden, it was like I wasn’t writing anymore. The story started to change and shift, going on in its own way, a way I didn’t think of. The story became fuller and different than anything I’ve written before. 

When that happens, it’s like magic. I know God is there with me, giving me the words and changing my story for the better. I trust in Him. He is the original author, the very first. I know He knows how to write stories. He can write it better than I can. I’m just grateful He writes with me. He lets me make mistakes but helps me fix them. 

I love where the story ended. The happy ending had to be earned by both characters. It wasn’t until both were ready that it could happen. 

I feel like this is a more mature story for me. I feel like I’ve matured while writing this, (even though this is only the outline, lol). The topics are more grown up in execution. It deals with: forgiveness, relationship issues, the feeling of ‘unanswered’ prayers (prayers that are not answered the way you hope), finding a new purpose, and moving on after life feels it was destroyed. 


I am also highlighting different kinds of representation in this book (primarily healthy & big families, messy-beautiful relationships, and physical disabilities). I want to see more books about healthy families, big families, and healthy sibling relationships. 

As I was outlining this book, I was trying to find books with disabled main characters, (because my main girl has a physical disability), but I could hardly find any. I want to help change that. This book and the fantasy I’ve been working on both have multiple characters with disabilities. In the past few months, this has been greatly on my mind. My dad, grandpa, and one of my uncles have all worked helping disabled people. I think that hearing their stories and caring for the disabled helped give this story new meaning. I want this story to matter and to highlight these wonderful people. People who struggle and get hurt but rise above it and are strong. I want to highlight the people whose lives were flipped upside down but who trusted God and kept a positive attitude. They have this strength, a strength I want to write about. Whenever I hear their stories, I am inspired. In my opinion, there isn’t enough representation. I hope this book, once published, will help change that (every book counts). I know God can use this for good. I want to be used by Him. 

Each book I’ve written has something I’m passionate about. A reason I wish to help people. A Hawaiian Summer was dealing with body image issues and struggles but learning to deal with them healthily. A Pumpkin Hill Story deals with loss and painting your feelings and feeling to heal. Now you know what Broken Ballerina (a winter story) means to me and what it deals with (in part).  

I can’t wait to officially start writing this in December! 

Thank you for reading along and joining me on this journey!


Discussion Time

Thank you for reading this blog post! I hope you liked this glimpse into my newest story! Till next time, thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! 

I want to hear from you! Meet me in the comments and tell me what you thought about this post! Are you working on any new projects? Are you EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS??? I would love to chat! 

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below or find me on Instagram @fablerosemc!  

Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. 

XOXO Moriyah 🤎


  1. Madisen Lynne LundquistDecember 1, 2022 at 1:52 PM

    Oh my word Riyah😭😍📚❄️
    First of all, Happy December!! I'm soooo excited for this Christmas season!!
    & second of all, THIS. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
    I am already in love with your story & I barley know anything. But from what you've shared, it sounds AMAZING!! I cannot wait to hear more about it & read it!!😍📚❄️🫶🏻😭✨️

    1. 😍😭😘 THANK YOU MADI!!!
      Happy December!!! Eek! Me too!!! It just snowed today and we have a Christmas movie on and cookies ready to be eaten! I’m so happy! I LOVE the Christmas season! 😍❄️🎄
      😭😭😭 MADI!!! Thank you SO much! You are gonna make me cry! 😭😍
      THANK YOU!!! I cannot wait to share more!
      Thank you for being here for me and always supporting me! It means the world to me! 😍😭🙌🏻❄️🎄

  2. Hi Moriyah! Oh, I really like the premise of your story, Broken Ballerina. Best wishes with your writing :)


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