Firm Faith

 My faith 


Hello, lovely friend! 

Today I wanted to share a lesson I have been learning this week with all of you. This is part documentation for me to be able to look back and see how I’ve grown and where I have come from. I think a lot of my posts (specifically on writing and my faith) are more memory markers for me. I do hope this can help and maybe encourage you in some way as it is me. 

Let’s begin!


The title of this post is called Firm Faith. That is the lesson I have been learning this week. 

The lesson is to stay FIRM in YOUR FAITH and FIRM in YOUR CONVICTIONS. No matter what, stay firm in who you are. Don’t be afraid to say no even if it will offend others. It is better to stay true to your faith and convictions than to break what you believe is true because of others. This isn’t saying to be rude. As a child of God, I am called to be like Christ, showing love and kindness. We are still called to be kind to others but that doesn’t mean discarding our faith and values because others are not like ours. 

Here is some story background to why I am talking about this. 

I got the opportunity to help a new self-publishing author with their book reveal. On Sunday this author sent the book cover, title, and what it was about. That is when the problem came up and I had to make a decision. 

Everything about the book sounded good until I read the parent’s guide. When I read it I realized this was not a story I could confidently promote on my Instagram without feeling guilty. 

I love my IG community. I know I have a specific audience that comes to me. I knew with my community that I couldn’t recommend this book without regretting it. 

That day in nervous energy I went to my parents and told them about it. I love my parents so much! They are so incredible and I love it when they give me advice! 

They encouraged me to not do the reveal. They said if this was bothering me so much and I know my audience then I shouldn’t feel obligated to do something I knew I would regret and could hurt my reputation for being a resource people can trust. I want the people who follow me, and who read what I write to trust me like a friend. If I give recommendations to something that would compromise my beliefs then it is wrong. 

I don't want to compromise my faith and my convictions as a Christian, as a child of God, because I feel obligated to do something that would end up hurting me in the long run. It may not be a physical wound but it would still hurt me, though it would be more internal. 

So taking my parents' advice I wrote the author a letter explaining why I can’t promote the book and wishing them all the luck in a kind and condensed way.

It wasn’t the easiest thing to do. I had an argument going on in my head a lot of the time going back and forth between saying yes and saying no. Every time I thought of saying yes, intense anxiety gripped me. When I finally wrote down the email with my parents and hit send I had a sense of peace. I did the right thing. I’m actively protecting my faith and convictions as well as staying true to myself and to the reputation I have. 

I told the author of my faith. I know I didn't have to tell them that but it felt right to me. I wanted to say my beliefs. I’m not ashamed to be a Christian. I love Jesus and my faith. Without Him, I would not be where I am now. I wouldn’t have this blog, this community, this healing in my life. It is a normal part of my life and conversation which is part of why it came into that conversation. 

I know they got offended. Who wouldn’t be offended by a person saying they can't read your book? A thing you put your heart, soul, blood, tears, and sleepless nights into? I know it was offensive. But it is part of the job description as a writer. Not everyone will like your book. That is a fact. Still, I do wish the author the best. It's not an easy thing to self-publish. 

So, I want to repeat to you STAY FIRM IN YOUR FAITH AND CONVICTIONS. It will not always be easy but it is important. Stay true to who you are as a child of God. 

Be okay with saying no to people. 

Pray. Find where God’s peace is and let Him lead you. Ultimately he knows what is best for you but you are the one who gets to make that decision. He has given us free will for a reason. We have to choose it for ourselves. He doesn't force us. He lets us make that choice. Even when we make mistakes, He is still there for us. He loves us. He will guide you back to the right track. But isn’t it better to follow Him and have His peace at the start instead of not having his peace and having to restart? 

Be firm in your faith. It won't be easy but in the long run, it is worth it!

Discussion Time

Thank you for reading this blog post! I hope you like this post and found it encouraging and convicting! 

I want to hear from you! Meet me in the comments and tell me is there a moment you remember standing FIRM IN YOUR FAITH? What is an area you need to start being firm in your faith? Is there any time you haven’t? How did that feel? I would love to chat! 

If you have any questions or want to talk, make sure to comment down below or find me on Instagram @fablerosemc!  

Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay in the know because I post new content here every week. 

XOXO Moriyah 💛


  1. Madisen Lynne LundquistSeptember 30, 2022 at 2:54 PM

    Oh Riyah, I love this post & all you shared! I'm so proud of you for staying firm in your faith and doing the hard (but right) things!! You have a beautiful story & I know God was using you in that situation!!
    Being firm in my faith & convictions is something I am always working on. I had to have a hard conversation with a friend because of what I believe. And even though it was hard, I felt such a peace the next day. I was actually in a great mood :)
    Anyways, thanks again for sharing!!🙌🏻💛✨️🙏🏻

    1. Thank you so much Madi! That means a lot to me! 😍💛
      Thank you for sharing! I’m proud of you for staying firm in your faith & convictions! 🙌🏻 It may not be easy in the moment having those conversations but it is good in the end! I’m so glad you felt peace! That’s amazing! I know God was using you and will continue using you in great ways! 🙌🏻
      You’re welcome! 🥰
      I love you sweet friend! 😍💛🙌🏻🍂


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