Welcome To Fable Rose + About Me

 Book Love Writing • Lifestyle • My Faith 

Hello, there wonderful reader! 

Welcome to Fable Rose!

My Name is Moriyah.  I am a writer, book-lover, a graphic designer, baker with restrictions extraordinaire, and worshiper of Jesus. I am a daughter, a friend, and a sister (the oldest of 5 kids). My hope is to encourage people to follow their dreams (and read some books along the way).

Fable Rose is a blog that focuses on four main areas: BOOKS, WRITING, a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, and FAITH. I will be sharing about books I love and that inspire me. I will share about my writing process and the helpful tips I have learned. I will also be sharing my knowledge on having a healthy lifestyle to have a healthy mindset. Having a healthy mindset and lifestyle will equal energy and clarity to pursue your dreams in life well. Finally, I will be sharing about my faith and things I am learning through my time in the Bible. I am a worshiper of Jesus and believe Jesus Christ to be my lord and savior. HE IS THE CENTER AND THE HEART OF MY LIFE. 

These are all things that are important to me. Each of these topics is an active part of my life and story. They all intertwine themselves into my life in a beautiful tapestry. I am looking forward to sharing with you all! 

You may wonder how these topics all fit together? Here is how I see it. 

BOOKS ARE AN INSPIRATION. Books hold knowledge and stories, tales and fables of faraway places. They are people’s dreams, imagination, and creativity all put into pages of paper and ink. Worlds of magic and whimsy, and stories of real life. Books are what I love. I want to spin tales and write books, my dreams in parchment and ink. Which leads to my next key goal. 

Writing. WRITERS ARE WHO BIRTH THE BOOKS. Writers are storytellers. I am a writer. A writer is someone who writes. This may be obvious but is true. If you want to be a writer, WRITE! I love writing and I am currently on the journey of pursuing writing (this includes this blog). I want to share with you my process of writing, and show you my journey, as well as helpful tips I’ve learned along the way. When you are writing or doing something you love, especially when it is important to you, you pour out your soul into your work. You have these amazing ideas and talents to share with the world (even if it is only a family member or a close friend). To be able to pursue your dreams well, you need to have a healthy mental space. 

Lifestyle. MY FOCUS IS A HEALTHY MENTAL SPACE TO BE ABLE TO PURSUE DREAMS. Having a healthy mental space means having the energy to go after your dreams, clarity of mind to act and bring your dreams to life, and overall health to keep going and creating. To have a healthy mindset, we need to take care of our bodies = a healthy lifestyle. These things may not sound like they relate, but they do. Taking care of your body means sleeping well, eating (three meals a day + healthy snacks), and exercising. These are my three main points of a healthy lifestyle. I’ll be going more in-depth in all the topics discussed in lifestyle. MY POINT IS, LIFESTYLE IS KEY TO HAVING A HEALTHY MINDSET. My next point is also to pursue a healthy mindset. 

My Faith. MY FAITH AS A CHRISTIAN AND A FOLLOWER OF JESUS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME. It is my call, my identity as a child of God. Spending time in the Word (the Bible) is the most important part of my day because it is not just the time I am spending with God (it is) but it also determines how my day is going to play out. How? My mindset. My time with the Lord gives me peace and joy, it gives me a good outlook on the world and my life. Without my morning Bible time with the Lord, I find myself grumpy and snappy for no reason. But there is a reason, I wasn’t with God in the morning. Without that special time in the morning I have a really bad day, but when I have that time my day is brighter and I feel good. It is both strange and perfectly natural. For me to have a good mental space, I need to spend time with God. It is a fact of me. So what I want to do is share my time with you. I want to share what I am learning and the things I am encouraged by in the Word. I want to encourage (not force) you to read your Bible and find time to be with the Lord. It is the quiet times I find him. HE IS THE STILL SMALL VOICE, MY CONSCIENCE. I may not hear him in a thundering voice, but I do feel him in the gentle stirrings of my heart, the small voice that won’t go away. 

My Mission & Hope 

My hope with Fable Rose is to share, with you, the things that are helping me pursue my dreams and will hopefully help yours. MY DEAREST HOPE IS FOR YOU TO FIND THE FREEDOM TO PURSUE YOUR DREAMS. To be able to see the tiny everyday miracles. To be inspired and to read. TO FIND YOUR CREATIVE VOICE AND TO HAVE THE CLARITY OF MIND TO DO ALL THAT IS INSIDE YOU. 

Question time! 

I want to hear from you! What are you most looking forward to reading about on Fable Rose? What topic are you most interested in (Book Love, Writing, Lifestyle, or Faith)? What are you hoping to learn from this blog? I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

I’ll be posting here every Friday with alternating topics each week! Come back next week for my post “INTRO BOOK LOVE”! I hope to see you here next week on Fable Rose. 

Love, Moriyah 💛


  1. MORIYAH!! This is sooo AMAZING!! I am so looking forward to everything you have to offer here and seeing how God is working in your life and in Fable Rose!! I am so proud & excited for you!!

    "God is within her, she will not fall."
    Psalms 46:5b

    ~ Madi <3

    1. THANK YOU MADISEN! You are such a sweet friend! Thank you for commenting and reading my blog! I am so honored! 💛
      Thank you for the Bible verse! I love it! 💛


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